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Children of divorce may face struggles

People in Columbia and others elsewhere usually don’t get married under the assumption that they will later divorce. However, divorce may be the best option for some. Going through a divorce can be challenging, but when people have children, those challenges may only become more significant.

Settling child custody matters is often one of the most emotional aspects of a divorce. Parents simply want what is best for their children. However, they may disagree on just what that is.

A recent news article shows the kind of impact that a divorce can have on children. A young boy was interviewed by his mother. She and the boy’s father divorced three years ago. The 12-year-old splits time equally between his parents. Although he appears to be adjusting to this new life, he admits that his parents’ divorce created a stressful environment and that it may have even affected his performance in school.

“I’m not trying to say, ‘Oh, it’s all your guys’ fault,’ ” the 12-year-old said. “But I definitely think that was a lot of the influence.”

A story like this should serve as a reminder to parents that as they are going through a divorce, the best interests of the children need to be a top priority.

Child custody and child support are just some of the issues that divorcing parents must sort through. Because going through a divorce can be emotional, people would be wise to rely on an experienced divorce attorney. An attorney may be able to help couples find resolutions that are fair for everyone involved.

For more information on this topic visit the NPR website to read their feature, “3 Years After Parents’ Divorce, Son Looks Back,” dated December 7, 2012.